刘朗夏 教授










(1) 1994-09 至 1998-07, 法国巴黎第七大学, 生物化学, 博士

(2) 1992-09 至 1994-07, 法国巴黎第六大学, 生物, 硕士

(3) 1989-09 至 1992-07, 法国巴黎第七大学, 生物化学, 学士

(4) 1984-09 至 1988-07, 暨南大学, 生物, 学士



(1) 2008-07 至 今, 暨南大学, 生命科学技术学院, 教授

(2) 2004-04 至 2007-12, 法国国立健康与医学研究院, Cochin研究所传染病部, 研究员

(3) 2001-01 至 2004-03, 法国巴黎血管与血液研究所, 第4研究团队, 研究员



A. 近五年以通讯作者发表的主要论著:

[1] Xiong  Dan, Geng Chengjie, Zeng Liyi, Yao Hua, Tan Jiewen, Zhang Lan, Liu  Xiaohui, Liu Langxia*. Artesunate induces ferroptosis by regulating MT1G  and has an additive effect with doxorubicin in diffuse large B-cell  lymphoma cells. Heliyon. 2024, 10(7):e28584.

[2] Gao  Xue, Lian Qionghua, Guan Baiye, Liu QiuYun, Meng Meng, Chen Yang, Jin  Jingjie, Li Huihua, Liu Xiaohui, Sun Zhenghua, Liu Langxia*, He QingYun,  Zhang Gong. ZSWIM1 Promotes the Proliferation and Metastasis of Lung  Adenocarcinoma Cells through the STK38/MEKK2/ERK1/2 Axis. J Proteome  Res. 2023, 22(4):1080-1091.

[3] Zheng  Xiaofen, Huang Donglan, Liu Xiaohui, Liu QiuYun, Gao Xuejuan, Liu  Langxia*. GSK3β/ITCH/c-FLIP Axis Counteracts TRAIL-induced Apoptosis in  Human Lung Adenocarcinoma Cells. Protein Pept Lett. 2023, 30(3):242-249.  

[4] Meng  Meng, Lu Meizhi, Feng Junxia, Zhou Xiaoying, Meng Ping, Chen Luxuan ,  Zou Xunliang, Liu Xiaohui, Liu Langxia*, Gao Xuejuan, Zhang Yunfang.  Exosomal PPARγ derived from macrophages suppresses LPS-induced  peritonitis by negative regulation of CD14/TLR4 axis. Inflamm Res. 2023,  72(8):1567-1581.

[5] Liu  Xiaohui, Li Lu, Geng Chengjie , Wen Shiyuan, Zhang Cuiqiong, Deng  Chunmiao, Gao Xuejuan, Zhang Gong, He Qing-Yu, Liu Langxia*. DDX17  promotes the growth and metastasis of lung adenocarcinoma. Cell Death  Discov. 2022, 8(1):425.

[6] Zhang  Huan-Tian, Zeng Qingzhong, Wu Baomeng, Lu Junlei, Tong Kui-Leung, Lin  Jiebin, Liu Qiu-Yu , Xu Lipei, Yang Jie, Liu Xiaohui, Liu Wanting, Zhang  Yun-Fang, Lian Qionghua, Liu Langxia*, Gao Xuejuan. TRIM21-regulated  Annexin A2 plasma membrane trafficking facilitates osteosarcoma cell  differentiation through the TFEB-mediated autophagy. Cell Death  Dis. 2021 Jan 6;12(1):21.

[7] Liu  Xiaohui, Huang Xiuzhu, Ma Jie, Li  Lu, Hu Huifan, Feng Junxia, Gao  Xuejuan, Zhang Yunfang, Liu Langxia*. 3'untranslated regions (3'UTR) of  Gelsolin mRNA displays anticancer effects in non-small cell lung cancer  (NSCLC) cells. Am J Cancer Res. 2021, 11(8):3857-3876.

[8] Deng  Chunmiao, Liu Xiaohui, Zhang Cuiqiong, Li Lu, Wen Shiyuan, Gao  Xuejuan, Liu Langxia*. ANXA1-GSK3β interaction and its involvement in  NSCLC metastasis. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin (Shanghai). 2021,  53(7):912-924.

[9] Tang  Donge, Liu Xiaohui, Chen Kezhi, Li Zhipeng, Dai Yong, Xu Jiake, Zhang  Huan-Tian, Gao Xuejuan , Liu Langxia*. Cytoplasmic PCNA is located in  the actin belt and involved in osteoclast differentiation. Aging (Albany  NY). 2020, 12(13):13297-13317.

[10] Liu  Xiaohui, Tang Donge, Dai Yong, Gao Xuejuan, Liu Langxia*. PCNA and  GSK3β interact with each other to regulate H1299 lung adenocarcinoma  cells apoptosis. Neoplasma, 2020, 67(1):15-26.

[11] Liu  Xiaohui, Ma Jie, Feng Junxia, Zhang Yunfang*, Liu Langxia*. Regulation  and related mechanism of GSN mRNA level by hnRNPK in lung adenocarcinoma  cells. Biol Chem. 2019, 400(7):951-963.

[12] Xu  Lipei, Zhang Tingting, Huang Wensi, Liu Xiaohui, Lu Junlei, Gao  Xuejuan, Zhang Yun-Fang, Liu Langxia*. YAP mediates the positive  regulation of hnRNPK on the lung adenocarcinoma H1299 cell growth. Acta  Biochim Biophys Sin (Shanghai). 2019 Jul 10;51(7):677-687. doi:  10.1093/abbs/gmz053. PMID: 31187136.

B. 其他年份发表的文章: 

[13] Li  Zhipeng, Liu Xiaohui*, Ma Jie, Zhang Tingting, Gao Xuejuan, Liu  Langxia*. hnRNPK modulates selective quality-control autophagy by  downregulating the expression of HDAC6 in 293 cells. Int. J. Oncol.  2018, 53:2200-12.

[14] Wang  Cuihua, Chen Kezhi, Liao Shengyou, Gu Wei, Lian Xinlei, Zhang Jing, Gao  Xuejuan, Liu Xiaohui, Wang Tong, He Qingyu, Zhang Gong, Liu Langxia*.  The flightless I protein interacts with RNA-binding proteins and is  involved in the genome-wide mRNA post-transcriptional regulation in lung  carcinoma cells. Int. J. Oncol. 2017, 51:347-61.

[15] Lu  Wen-hui, Shi Yu-xun, Ma Zheng-lai, Wang Guang, Liu Langxia, Chuai  Manli, Song Xiaoyu, Münsterberg Andrea, Cao Liu, Yang Xuesong. Proper  autophagy is indispensable for angiogenesis during chick embryo  development. Cell Cycle 2016, 15:1742-54.

[16] Gao  Xuejuan, Xu Fengmei, Zhang Huan-Tian, Chen Miaojuan, Huang Wensi, Zhang  Qihao, Zeng Qingzhong, Liu Langxia*. PKCα–GSK3β–NF-κB signaling pathway  and the possible involvement of TRIM21 in TRAIL-induced apoptosis.  Biochem. Cell Biol. 2016, 94:256-64.

[17] Gao  Xuejuan, Feng Junxia, He Yujiao, Xu Fengmei, Fan Xiaoqin, Huang Wensi,  Xiong Haiting, Liu Qiuyu, Liu Wanting, Liu Xiaohui, Sun Xuesong, He  Qing-Yu, Zhang Qihao*, Liu Langxia*. hnRNPK inhibits GSK3β Ser9  phosphorylation, thereby stabilizing c-FLIP and contributes to TRAIL  resistance in H1299 lung adenocarcinoma cells. Sci. Rep. 2016,  6:22999-99.

[18] Fan  Xiaoqin, Xiong Haiting, Wei Jinmei, Gao Xuejuan, Feng Yuan, Liu  Xiaohui, Zhang Gong, He Qingyu*, Xu Jiake*, Liu Langxia*. Cytoplasmic  hnRNPK interacts with GSK3β and is essential for the osteoclast  differentiation. Sci. Rep. 2016, 5:17732-32.

[19] Wang  Cuihua, Gao Xuejuan, Liao Shengyou, Feng Junxia, Luo Bin, Liu Langxia*.  Transcriptome analysis of human breast cancer cell lines MCF-7 and  MDA-MB- 435 by RNA-seq. Mol. Biol. 2015, 49:244-52.

[20] Gao  Xuejuan, Dan Songsong, Xie Yingying, Qin Huanhuan, Tang Donge, Liu  Xiaohui, He Qingyu, Liu Langxia*. 14‐3‐3ζ Reduces DNA Damage by  Interacting With and Stabilizing Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen. J.  Cell. Biochem. 2015, 116:158-69.

[21] Fan  Xiaoqin, Wei Jinmei, Xiong Haiting, Liu Xiaohui, Benichou Serge, Gao  Xuejuan*, Liu Langxia*. A homogeneous time-resolved fluorescence-based  high-throughput screening for discovery of inhibitors of Nef-sdAb19  interaction. Int. J. Oncol. 2015, 47:1485-93.

[22] Li  Nan, Yang Xiao-Yan, Guo Zhong, Zhang Jing, Cao Kun, Han Junlong, Zhang  Gong, Liu Langxia, Sun Xuesong, He Qing-Yu. Varied metal-binding  properties of lipoprotein PsaA in Streptococcus pneumoniae. JBIC. 2014,  19:829-38.

[23] Gao  Xue Juan, Feng Jun Xia, Zhu Sen, Liu Xiao Hui, Tardieux Isabelle, Liu  Langxia*. Protein Phosphatase 2C of Toxoplasma Gondii Interacts with  Human SSRP1 and Negatively Regulates Cell Apoptosis. Biomed. Environ.  Sci. 2014, 27:883-93.

[24] Gao  Xuejuan, He Yujiao, Gao Lingmei, Feng Junxia, Xie Yingying, Liu  Xiaohui, Liu Langxia*. Ser9-phosphorylated GSK3β induced by 14-3-3ζ  actively antagonizes cell apoptosis in a NF-κB dependent manner.  Biochem. Cell Biol. 2014, 92:349-56.

[25] Chen  Miaojuan, Liu Tengfei, Xu Lina, Gao Xuejuan, Liu Xiaohui, Wang Cuihua,  He Qingyu, Zhang Gong, Liu Langxia*. Direct Interaction of 14-3-3ζ with  Ezrin Promotes Cell Migration by Regulating the Formation of Membrane  Ruffle. J. Mol. Biol. 2014, 426:3118-33.

[26] Chen  Miaojuan, Gao Xuejuan, Xu Lina, Liu Tengfei, Liu Xiaohui, Liu Langxia*.  Ezrin is required for epithelial-mesenchymal transition induced by  TGF-β1 in A549 cells. Int. J. Oncol. 2014, 45:1515-22.

[27] Gao  Xuejuan, Wang Jianying, Gao Lingmei, Yin Xingfeng, Liu Langxia*.  Identification and analysis of glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta1  interactome. Cell Biol. Int. 2013, 37:768-79.

[28] Yan  Guangrong, Xu Songhui, Tan Zilu, Liu Langxia, He Qingyu. Global  identification of miR‐373‐regulated genes in breast cancer by  quantitative proteomics. Proteomics 2011, 11:912-20.

[29] Li  Liping, Lu Chunhua, Chen Zhipeng, Ge Feng, Wang Tong, Wang Wei, Xiao  ChuanlLe, Yin Xinfeng, Liu Langxia, He Jianxing. Subcellular proteomics  revealed the epithelial–mesenchymal transition phenotype in lung cancer.  Proteomics. 2011, 11:429-39.

[30] Lemay  Julie, Maidoupeindara Priscilla, Cancio Reynel, Ennifar Eric, Coadou  Gael, Maga Giovanni, Rain Jeanchristophe, Benarous Richard, Liu  Langxia*. AKAP149 Binds to HIV-1 Reverse Transcriptase and Is Involved  in the Reverse Transcription. J. Mol. Biol. 2008, 383:783-96.

[31] Lemay  Julie, Maidoupeindara Priscilla, Bader Thomas, Ennifar Eric, Rain  Jeanchristophe, Benarous Richard, Liu Langxia*. HuR interacts with human  immunodeficiency virus type 1 reverse transcriptase, and modulates  reverse transcription in infected cells. Retrovirology 2008, 5:47-47.

[32] Hainaud  Patricia, Contreres Jeanolivier, Villemain Aude, Liu Langxia, Plouet  Jean, Tobelem Gerard, Dupuy Evelyne. The Role of the Vascular  Endothelial Growth Factor–Delta-like 4 Ligand/Notch4-Ephrin B2 Cascade  in Tumor Vessel Remodeling and Endothelial Cell Functions. Cancer Res.  2006, 66:8501-10.

[33] Liu  LangXia, Heveker Nikolaus, Fackler Oliver T, Arold Stefan, Le Gall  Sylvie, Janvier Katy, Peterlin B Matija, Dumas Christian, Schwartz  Olivier, Benichou Serge. Mutation of a conserved residue (D123) required  for oligomerization of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 Nef protein  abolishes interaction with human thioesterase and results in impairment  of Nef biological functions. J. Virol. 2000, 74:5310-19.

[34] Selig  L, Pages J-C, Tanchou V, Preveral S, Berlioz-Torrent C, Liu Lang Xia,  Erdtmann L, Darlix J-L, Benarous R, Benichou S. Interaction with the p6  domain of the gag precursor mediates incorporation into virions of Vpr  and Vpx proteins from primate lentiviruses. J. Virol. 1999, 73:592-600.

[35] Liu  Lang Xia, Janvier Katy, Berteaux-Lecellier Véronique, Cartier Nathalie,  Benarous Richard, Aubourg Patrick. Homo-and heterodimerization of  peroxisomal ATP-binding cassette half-transporters. J. Biol. Chem. 1999,  274:32738-43.

[36] Le  Gall Sylvie, Erdtmann Lars, Benichou Serge, Berlioz-Torrent  Clarisse, Liu Langxia, Benarous Richard, Heard Jean-Michel, Schwartz  Olivier. Nef interacts with the μ subunit of clathrin adaptor complexes  and reveals a cryptic sorting signal in MHC I molecules. Immunity 1998,  8:483-95.

[37] Liu  Lang Xia, Margottin Florence, Le Gall Sylvie, Schwartz Olivier, Selig  Luc, Benarous Richard, Benichou Serge. Binding of HIV-1 Nef to a novel  thioesterase enzyme correlates with Nef-mediated CD4 down-regulation. J.  Biol. Chem. 1997, 272:13779-85.

[38] Benichou  S, Liu LangXia, Erdtmann L, Selig L, Benarous R. Use of the two-hybrid  system to identify cellular partners of the HIV1 Nef protein. Res.  Virol. 1997, 148:71-73.

[39] Margottin  Florence, Benichou Serge, Durand Hervé, Richard Virginie, Liu Lang  Xia*, Gomas Emmanuel, Benarous Richard. Interaction between the  Cytoplasmic Domains of HIV-1 Vpu and CD4: Role of Vpu Residues Involved  in CD4 Interaction andin VitroCD4 Degradation. Virology 1996,  223:381-86.



[1] 广东省自然科学基金面上项目,FAM210B基因在肺腺癌生长与转移中的功能和机制研究,10万元,2023-01-01  至  2025-12-31,编号:2023A15150102482,项目负责人。

[2] 2023年度广东省大学生创新创业训练计划项目创新训练项目一般项目, 青蒿琥酯联合多柔比星抗ABC型弥漫性大B细胞淋巴瘤及其机制研究,1万元,2023.03-2024.02,编号:S202310559130,项目导师。

[3] 广东省自然科学基金面上项目,GSN(凝溶胶蛋白)mRNA的 3’UTR在肺腺癌细胞中的功能及分子机制研究,10万元,2019.10-2022.9,编号:2019A1515010182,项目负责人。

[4] 科技部“973”项目课题, “结肠癌及其相关巨噬细胞的分泌蛋白质组与肿瘤发展的相关性研究”, 37万元, 2011.3-2016.2, 编号:2011CB910701,子课题的项目负责人。

[5] 广东省自然科学基金研究团队项目,“功能蛋白质研究与抗癌药物靶标发现”,60万元,2014.1-2018.12,编号:S2013030013315,核心成员。

[6] 广东省自然科学基金面上项目,“hnRNPK与GSK3β协同稳定c-FLIP蛋白从而拮抗TRAIL诱导的肿瘤细胞凋亡”,10万元,2016.6-2019.5,编号:2016A030313083,项目负责人。

[7] 广州市科技计划项目科学(技术)研究专项一般项目,“GSK3β与hnRNPK的相互作用参与TRAIL诱导肿瘤细胞凋亡的机制研究”,20万元,2016.4-2019.3,编号:201607010175,项目负责人。

[8] 广东省高等学校高层次人才项目,“14-3-3z蛋白参与肿瘤发生发展和转移的新机制研究:从新靶点的鉴定和确认到新药开发”,25万元,2011.1-2014.12,编号:粤财教【2011】431号,项目负责人。

[9] 广东省自然科学基金面上项目,“刚地弓形虫蛋白磷酸酶2C的细胞辅助因子的研究”,10万元,2009.10-2011.9,编号:9151065004000005,项目负责人。

[10] 欧盟第六研究与发展框架计划研究基金,20万欧元,2004-2007,子项目负责人。

[11] 欧洲脑白质失养症协会研究基金,19.4万法郎,1998-2000,项目负责人。


授权专利:何庆瑜; 高学娟; 张弓; 官柏烨; 连琼华; 刘朗夏; ZSWIM1蛋白在调控肺腺癌细胞增殖和转移中的应用, 2023-04-25, 中国, CN202111485057.1





1. 2010年入选广东省千百十计划第六批省级培养对象

2. 2011年获得广东省高等学校高层次人才项目

3. 1999年获得中法科学技术促进协会NG Tatman奖

4. 1998年获得法国国家爱滋病研究学会(ANRS)奖

5. 1997年获得Rhone-Poulenc-Rorer奖



